In the D.O.C. land named “Grave del Friuli” the soil is mostly gravely, typical of a soil of alluvial foothill origins more than 35 millions of years ago.
Under a 90 cm. layer of soil and rock, you find only stone, extending for several hundred meters: a poor, dry soil suitable for vine-growing.
The production area covers 55 per cent of the entire region, amounting to over 380.000 hectares. Although red wines historically favoured in the region, the last ten years has seen this trend reverse, due to microclimate and terrain more suited for white wines. The white wines are fresh, fruity and elegant to the palate, with intense flavours and aromas. The red are harmonious, full bodied with intense aromas when young and well structured if aged.
Despite the great range of our variety it must be said that each grape has its own peculiarity that makes it different from the other. Wines from “Grave”, like the wines of all vine-growing regions in Friuli, carry the name of the vintage with them.

* D.O.C.= Controlled origin denomination